The liturgical season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on Wednesday, February 22, and continues through Maundy Thursday, April 6. As you know, Lent is a period of reflection, recentering and recommitment in preparation for Jesus’ s Resurrection.

Collectively, we will be embarking on the 2nd Annual ‘Holy Hush,”. Instead of saying something not pleasing in God’s eyes we will “hush” and refocus our energy on responding in a more loving manner in accordance with Ephesians 4:29.

Likewise, to aid your individual efforts to grow closer to Christ during Lent, you can obtain a copy of the 2023 Lenten Daily Devotional from the Christian Education Department of the A.M.E. Church, or any other Lenten Devotional you have.

I sincerely believe that embracing these initiatives will enable us to appreciate more fully the importance of Jesus’ atonement for our sins – and thereby empower us to better understand the significance of His resurrection from the dead on Sunday, April 9.


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